Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bucket List, Phase 1

I am a bucket list kind of girl. The following items need to be finished up before my 40th birthday. A very few have been completed (you will see the date/place next to the item). I'd best get to it.

1. knit something
2. go to Egypt
3. get a BS
4. get a Master’s
5. take an art history class
6. be licensed for Real Estate
7. sew on a button
8. parasail
9. zipline
10. drive a boat
11. whale watch
12. deep sea fish
13. Morocco!
14. read 100 classics
15. be married!
16. go to an NFL game (Vikings! 1/4/10)
17. go to an opera in Prague
18. baseball game @ Wrigley field ( game: tour Oct 2010...)
19. take my kids on a trip
20. go tropical with my husband
21. have house at least 2/3 pd off
22. stop chewing gum (i think i can check this...MAR 2012)
23. get a promotion (or 5)
24. run 5 miles
25. go to salem (Oct 2010)
26. go to England
27. go on safari
28. go see E & E! wherever they be (SWITZERLAND 2010)
29. learn how to garden
30. write a letter and mail it
31. write a song
32. publish a letter to the editor
33. ride in a hot air balloon (Cappadocia, Turkey 2011)
34. inca trail
35. white water raft
36. go to Antarctica
37. ride in a helicopter
38. bake a pie
39. ride a camel (DUBAI 2009)
40. volunteer (2009, 2010, more to come...)
41. learn a 2nd language
42. do jury duty!
43. write my will
44. stop sharing too much
45. stop sharing other ppl’s stuff too much
46. take yoga class (NOV 2010)
47. ride a bike again
48. start a business
49. have board game nite regularly with my kids
50. have a spa sleepover with my kids
51. swim with penguins @ the Galapagos islands
52. haggle (1/10/11 NYC)
53. go to a high school reunion (July 2011)
54. be free of credit debt
55. pay off student loans
56. quit smoking (attempt #50..1/1/11...)
57. learn to belly dance
58. try to surf hahahahaaha
59. figure out my beliefs
60. see the rainforest
61. see the desert (DUBAI 2009)
62. see the taj mahal
63. skip down the great wall of china
64. see Pompeii
65. learn how to back comb
66. spend a whole day at the Louvre
67. eat caviar
68. eat an oyster
69. eat healthier
70. see a broadway play
71. picnic in central park
72. own the alma
73. cruise the nile
74. go to a hindu temple
75. attend synagogue
76. visit a mosque (DUBAI 2009)
77. tour eastern and central Europe
78. fly business class overseas (DUBAI 2009)
79. learn how to order sushi (ATL 2010)
80. take a cooking class
81. camp with my family
82. have 8 mos. expenses in acct
83. save index funds/CDs for my kids
84. make sure my babies understand value
85. sleep in a castle
86. have fiscally responsible children
87. go sailing
88. go lobstering
89. go to Disneyworld!
90. walk on a glacier
91. dogsled
92. use my mixer (all year, and it was amazing!! 2011)
93. make one good dish my family loves
94. send tj to the Stanley cup
95. trek Nepal
96. learn the basics of Wicca
97. figure out what Mormons believe
98. get reflexology
99. get acupuncture
100. do a cleanse
101. learn how to make potica
102. have a meaningful conversation with my grama
103. celebrate my 30th birthday someplace amazing!!
104. go to an ashram in India
105. run a ½ marathon
106. be enlightened
107. see SNL tape
108. go to a game @ Target Field
109. watch Kasey Jo graduate
110. go to Ireland with my husband

Do you have a bucket list? What's on it? Any tips on fulfilling this stuff?


  1. Nice list!! I don't have any to add, but maybe I will be insprired to make my own list. Or steal 1/2 of yours! I'm surprised... you've never sewn a button, really?? These are the ones I've done on your list, which makes me feel somewhat accomplished, even though they aren't really all the really exciting ones: 7, 9, 11, 12, 15, 30,40,41,47,53,64 (this was a good one!),69 (for about a year previously, not currently!)93, and 99. .... 44/45 = Haha! Love it! p.s. next time I get called for jury duty, it's all yours!

  2. I think you have one on your list already fulfilled. As for #1, if You don't know how to knit I will teach you sometime when I am on hibbing. Its easy.

    I have a list too, I will have to get it out to re-evaluate. :)

  3. Awesome!
    I love this.
    you should add #101... inspire someone with my blog
    Check it off please.
    (more backlash on Fairytale wedding.... I am so cool!)

  4. PS
    Maybe I need to start approving my posts??

  5. oh i still have readers! i thought people forgot about me because i suck @ updating! so happy :)

    loving the input...

    tara, stop now or you'll finish my list before i do ;)...

    steph: taking you up on this knitting offer. call asap.

    and jilly! wtf! people are just absolutely WRONGING you on your blog?!?!? i will be adding number 101, thank you very, very much!

  6. oh: one more note---this is my before 40 list. phase II is after 40. to be posted soon.
