Thursday, September 17, 2009

New turn

Hello, new turn for the blog. I just tried to read what I've written and couldn't because the tears of boredom clouded my vision. My blog will just be about me from now on. This is much more interesting (to me). My family may occasionally arise when I mention how they affect me, but I cannot possibly bring myself to write about their activities on a regular basis.

SO. Now we have that out of the way.

I was thinking today about how fantastic Edward Abbey quotes are. I never list quotes on anything, because I'm hard pressed to remember them on the spot and it seems embarrassingly contrived to look up a bunch of other people's idioms just to associate myself with them and pass them along as some sort of introspective/philosophical ideals that I subscribe to. I venture into doing just that at this time, and I disregard all embarrassment because they (the quotes) are just too good not to copy and paste somewhere.

"Anarchism is founded on the observation that since few men are wise enough to rule themselves, even fewer are wise enough to rule others.”

"The tragedy of modern war is that the young men die fighting each other - instead of their real enemies back home in the capitals.”

"The missionaries go forth to Christianize the savages - as if the savages weren't dangerous enough already” **a personal favorite, though I use the whole thing as sarcasm in my mind

"Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum floats to the top.”

"There is science, logic, reason; there is thought verified by experience. And then there is California.”

"If the end does not justify the means - what can?”

“Our 'neoconservatives' are neither new nor conservative, but old as Babylon and evil as Hell”

and on and on. I reigned myself in from other favorites, because the political conversations that they give rise to are not remotely interesting to me. I am, for the most part, on the left side of it all, and being from such a location, I believe, in the truest sense, that it is your right to believe whatever you may. As an extension, I do not have the hankering to try to prove you stupid nor myself more evolved.

I do hope someone in this world finds this stuff as enamoring as I do, however. I am shocked at the greatness shown by writers with so few words. I am a word addict. The simplicity and accuracy of these quotes is refreshing.

In other news, I am going to DXB in 2.5 weeks. I am foaming at the mouth with excitement. I try to keep it at a dull roar because I am aware that the interest in this for other people is limited. I hope it is a quarter as wonderful as I want it to be.

That's all for now, folks.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Mid-Summer's work

Hello, posting today merely because I'm at work, and posting seems more interesting than the work staring me in the face. So I will take this time for family updates:

TJ-is plugging away at his job. He's been trying to make time to work on house that he, Tim, and Josh are "flipping," but time is a hot commodity these days. Between work, softball, seemingly endless gigs, and a demanding wife, he's been lucky to get there once or twice a week. He is on the wait list for the electrician program at HCC, so he will be toughing out another year at Iracore. He has a gig tomorrow in Duluth, at Live Downtown. They played there last week, as well.

Kasey Jo-Kasey went to her cousin Angelina's yesterday, which was very exciting for her. She went down a big waterslide and played until she looked like a purple-eyed monster (not to be confused with purple-toothed monster, which is what mom becomes after excessive amounts of merlot). She is revved up for school; we ordered her uniforms this week. She becomes more dramatic as time goes on.

For example, I heard her crying after running upstairs and jumping back into bed the other night. I went to see what was wrong, assuming that she wanted a buddy or a sleepmask or something pertinent to bedtime. Nope:

mom-"kasey, what's wrong?"
jo-*sob* sob*sniffle "i can't even dream without it! i'm just going to dream about a black hole!!"
mom-"what are you talking about? what can't you dream without?"
jo-*sob*sob*sob "my movie case! i can't dream without my dvd case!"
mom-"this is crazy talk. nevermind."

apparently, she told tj that she "can't think straight without it" and he pretty much responded like I did.

Evie-Evie's sleep schedule took a turn for the worse. Obviously. I never should have written that. She gets up about twice a night now and eats at breakneck speed. I can't wait til people food. She may eventually get full once she has the people food. She rolled over a few times one day, and hasn't since. It was just a teaser of what's to come, I'm sure.

Krissy-not much. School. That's about it. DXB (dubai) is to take place September 9-17th. I have a break coming up in school. One class left for the summer, and only 3 this fall.

That sums it up. Actually, I don't feel like writing any more. More to come when this seems more interesting.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!!

Today is the 5th, so my wishes are belated, but Happy Happy Independence Day!

Tj spent the night at Side Lake with Jojo and Evie, so Mommy came up Saturday morning for the parade. The parade was great fun this year, lots of family floats that really showed a lot of favorite was one with a couple of gentleman in dresses, "queens" of something or other. They rode in the back of a convertible and did their showiest parade waves.

We followed up the parade with lunch at the cabin (excellent beef brisket, courtesy of Uncle Ron & Auntie Rhonda). We hung out for awhile, Kasey Jo mostly running amok, following Susie Johnson around and Evie being held hostage by her mama (who hadn't seen her in a day).

We came into town mid-day to go over to Sam & Casey Moberg's for a BBQ with the Baudecks. Kevin Simberg & Skylar Kangas, good friends from high school, came over for some beers and a few games of "bags," or whatever that is really called. By this point, our babies were delirious with sleeplessness, so I took them home. Tj came home quite a lot later and seems to be radiating a stale beer scent this morning, so I am sure he had a good time.

I am planning on homework, laundry, and dinner with my Norwegian cousins, who are in town this week. I'll post pictures from the 4th soon.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

To Blog or Not to Blog?

Not sure about this blog yet. I sort of want to blog to keep up with our family and friends, strewn about the world. But then I sort of think that I'm not always as appropriate as one should be when one sends out blog addresses to relatives. And then most of me says that I'll never keep up on this anyway...

So, the blog begins, without any advertisement until I can gauge the insanity of its existence. I had a lit teacher who told me that the purest writing is always done without an audience other than one's self...of course this is the internet so I would be asinine to apply that theory now. Moving on.

What's new?

TJ's World...Tj and his band have gigs for the streetdance and the 3rd of July, and they will be in a battle of the bands this Fri. He's been having a good time practicing and performing. They did something I like to call "laying down tracks" at a recording studio in a Duluth, courtesy of a Battle win. They are selling demos for $5, so if you can part with your lunch money, send it his way.

His softball team is doing better than usual this year (which means they won some games...that usually doesn't happen until play-offs ;), so he's been having good time Tuesdays as well.
After his lay-off from Jan to May, we're hoping for another one so he can go back to school in Sept. He is looking at doing the electrician program.

Kasey Jo's World...Kasey is doing OK with Evie's arrival. I will not write "well," strictly "ok." She thinks that Evie is the "cutest," but sometimes terrorizes her when I leave the room. I can't tell if it is purposeful yet or not. I think it is. She goes to daycare with Evie at least 3 days a week and loves it. Her buddy there is "Hailey Sherman," whom she calls by her full name so as not to confuse her with "my cousin Hailey." She is also spending a lot of time with her BFF Toby.

Evie's World...Evie mostly just sleeps and eats. She smiles now, which is nice. I also saw her put the strap from her swing in her mouth yesterday. That's new. Her sleeping RULES now, finally. She goes to sleep at about 7 and gets up about 5:30 a.m. for a bottle, then goes down from about 6:00 to 7 or 8 a.m. Very livable. I hope she starts doing things soon. Like cleaning her room.

Krissy's World...I am presently avoiding homework. Otherwise this blog would have never existed. I like to hold it down to the wire. It is 5:20 p.m. and I need to accomplish quite a bit by my midnight deadline. I live dangerously like this. Anyway, I'm still taking Electrical classes for my tech degree, which hopefully will be completed (at least round 1) in December.

I am planning a trip to Dubai (fingers crossed) with my girlfriend Nicky in September. Her parents live there, so we'll be taking her son, Reece, to visit. More on that when it actually occurs.

Ok, I'll quit. I'm still uncertain about this. I figured if I ever blogged it would be an outlet for my rampant opinions, not a family brochure. We'll see. Maybe next week we could do a unit on globalization or something.

Peace in the middle east (preferably before I get there).